As we in Scotland move towards the easing of restrictions for certain massage treatments to resume, we wanted to share with you our decision to keep the therapy space closed for the foreseeable future.
The essence of the type of treatment we offer is rooted in closeness, breathwork + talking meditation, + having given it a lot of thought, we feel that wearing protective equipment would take away from the desired effect. Along with the added time to clean thoroughly between clients + time to perform an extended consultation for insurance purposes, it sadly also becomes a question of economics.
In the meantime, we will be diverting all of our energy into our store space, encouraging shopping local + developing our MODM brand, proudly made in Scotland.
I will be in store daily to give product advice + help in any way I can with wellbeing questions.
In the meantime, we wanted to let you know how extremely grateful we are for the support we’ve received since reopening the shop.
See you soon!